Thursday, October 15, 2015

   Reasons to leave your toddlers at home when going to the store:

Many of us have been on both sides, we have been the person with the yelling screaming kid and we have been the customer unencumbered by children looking on as a sweaty mom tries to wrangle her two tots, and fifteen bags of accessories they require for a short outing, into her SUV while holding a latte and dropping the contents of her purse... oh wait that may just be me.  Anyway, you get my drift. Its not easy taking kids anywhere. It's really best to just stay home and let them watch educational TV while you clean and peruse the internet on your smartphone... right? he he... Well as hard (and often annoying to other patrons... as I will elaborate on) as it is to take these small insane people to places where people are expected to behave a certain way (like social norms and such) it can be a very educational experience if you are up for it.  Not being attached to any outcome is usually a good rule of thumb. If you are going to home depot to get a blackout blind fitted and you need it by a certain day for your rental or some such nonsense, don't for gods sake bring along your poor toddler unless you have a nice long time to do the errand and a ton of patience. A quick walk to the neighborhood market however is a good way for kids to learn things directly from Mom or Dad or a caregiver or grandparent. Colors, shapes, sizes, different foods, numbers, letters, all of these amazing wonders are awaiting to behold if only the magic can be unlocked by a happy and unhurried parent who lets her child lead the way and has engaged conversations about the tangents that arise from whimsical questions....
        Er.... um. Well as fun as that is and can be from time to time the reality is that we are usually just trying to get through the day, and being buggered by a little buddy can be the last thing we need when the caffeine is wearing off and the demands of what to make for dinner and how to get in those important phone calls can be taking up most of our mental space. So when that cherubic little angel looks up at you and asks you what those funny purple veggies are you might just ignore her or give a quick distracted answer, when in another head space you would have thought it was the cutest thing she ever said. Its all about perspective. So if we give in to the now, sometimes, and let the children lead, we may find that they notice and inquire about things that we as adults have never thought of or wondered about... and even end up learning something new and awe inspiring. Children are our teachers as much as we are theirs. Sometimes we need to let them lead, and teach us.
Of course that still requires being the parent, and there are those folks out there who have never been the beleaguered parent and they really don't understand. One such lady was in line with me as I was holding my 16mo old baby who was yelling up a storm, the lady looked at her and loudly shusshed her and said "you're hurting my ears!"  After a moment of shock and quiet, baby's lip came out and she wailed! I apologized and said she was my 5th and so I guess it didn't bother me as much and she said she didn't have any children and wasn't used to it.  Maybe this is what we need to remedy. There are kids out there who don't have enough adults and adults who don't have enough kids. We need to bridge that inter-generational gap and get some  60 year-old only children, to become friends with a three year old who has 4 brothers and sisters. Let's get some empathy going on my friends!! 


  1. Compassion and kindness...Love your ideas of more mingling of the generations and community building!

  2. Yes! Thank you for the support :) we all need our villages!!!

  3. Yes! Thank you for the support :) we all need our villages!!!
